Committed to sustainability, the well-being of people and communities

Occupational Health
and Safety Policy

For Australis, the safety of employees is a primary objective. You’re invited to learn about our policy on Occupational Health and Safety.


Certification granted by Mutual de Seguridad, which verifies the implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety management system. During 2019, we worked to obtain the Standard certification, in 2020 we achieved the Competitive level and for 2021, the challenge is to achieve the Excellence level.

Covid Seal

Certification granted by Mutual de Seguridad, which supports the implementation of prescribed preventive measures, recommendations and regulations related to Covid-19. It should be noted that, for this certification, audits were carried out throughout all areas of the company, considering fish farms, seawater centers, process plants and administrative offices; and all areas fully complied with the points required by the certifying body.

Clean Point

Since 2019 we have a Clean Point available to the community. It is located next to our corporate office, in the city of Puerto Varas, Los Lagos region, and provides a recycling space where waste can be disposed of. We were the only recycling point that remained operational in the city of Puerto Varas during the pandemic, recycling more than 26 tons of household waste during the year.

Monday to Friday

10:00 to 16:00 hrs


10:00 to 14:00 hrs


Decher 161, Puerto Varas Los Lagos Region - Chile

Spanning 18 years of experience, at Australis our concern is to comply with our corporate values, both within the company and with our neighbors who are present where we reside.

You are invited to learn about our Corporate Social Responsibility policy!

Together + Diversity is the program that encompasses all the actions committed in terms of Inclusion of People with Disabilities and Gender Equality in our company.

The development of Diversity for Australis is a fundamental axis in order to address and enhance the differences of each of its collaborators, through respect, camaraderie and commitment, three of the company's fundamental values.

We’re proud to introduce our Diversity Committee.

The Committee is represented by leaders from the different areas of the company who, in addition to promoting diversity as an organizational change, are in charge of different projects individually.

Josefina Moreno

Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Manager

Sponsor del Comité

Amaya García

Head of Communications and Corporate Affairs

Derek Kohn

Commercial manager

Pablo Munizaga

Deputy Manager of Operations Region of Aysén

Sergio Díaz

Assistant Production Manager Magallanes Region

Gonzalo Balbontín

Deputy Manager of Corporate Projects